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Basierend auf starken Referenzen sowohl in der Musik als auch in der historischen Entwicklung der Gitarre als solcher: Der preisgekrönte Gitarrenbauer Thierry André entwirft und baut jedes Jahr eine begrenzte Anzahl von Instrumenten, wobei er jedes einzelne auf der Grundlage von Zeichnungen, Vorlagen und Konstruktionsformen erstellt, die mit dem Hauptziel entwickelt werden, seine authentische und zeitgenössische Vision des Gitarreninstruments widerzuspiegeln.

My guitars are made one by one, with heart.

They are designed for the long term, and are part of a lineage that now stands out internationally.

Die Old-School-Archtop, Thierry Andre Instruments

-What I like about your work is that it is visionary. It is as if your guitars were coming from a different time, that could be forward or the past.-


Marco Coppiardi,

Violin maker, Cremona

Oudtar, Bowl-Back-Akustikgitarre von Thierry André Instruments

Oudtar, bowl-back acoustic steel string guitar.

I'm not sure about that. One thing is certain, combining sound, form and function, my instruments respond pertinently to the needs of both players and collectors.

- Between acoustic science, know-how, materials and artistry, it is by intuitively combining these fields that I can fully highlight the primary function of my work: - Its capacity to move others.

Statistiken für Andre Instruments von Thierry André
TriHorn-Gitarre von Thierry Andre Instruments

-78-, the (current build) horn-equipped electric hollow-body guitar.

Raga 2-Build-Sequenz, Thierry Andre Instruments
Multi, Harfengitarre von Thierry Andre Instruments

-Multi- (left), archtop harp-guitar with sympathetic strings.

From here - The sound, the ergonomics, the playability, it's all up to you.​​

I invite you to check out more of my work in my instrument gallery here,

where you can see archtops, hollow-body, and acoustic steel-string guitars

To learn more about me click here.


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