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-What I like about your work is that
it is visionary. It is as if your guitars
were coming from a different time,
that could be forward
or the past.-
Marco Coppiardi,
Violin maker, Cremona
S'appuyant sur des références fortes tant dans la musique que dans l'évolution historique de la guitare elle-même : Le luthier québécois Thierry André conçoit et fabrique chaque année un nombre limité d'instruments, créant chacun d'eux à partir de dessins, gabarits et moules de fabrication développés avec l'objectif premier de refléter sa vision authentique et contemporaine de la guitare.
My guitars are all individually made, calling for a part of design that very often comes from an external idea or suggestion. I am like you, learning every day about the guitar. I offer it to you today in its well-rooted contemporary version, focusing mainly on archtop, hollow-body and steel-string acoustic guitars.
Oudtar, bowl-back acoustic steel string guitar.
-78-, the (current build) horn-equipped electric hollow-body guitar.
-Multi- (left), archtop harp-guitar with sympathetic strings.
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