Exploratory series on tonality, ladder-type bracing patterns, and ergonomics.
2008 年にアンドレは 5 Guitare-Fruit のシリーズを作成しました。本質的にひょうたんバンジョーのバリエーションであり、アフリカのコーラ楽器の影響を受けているこれらの小さなボディのギターは、非常にユニークな音色を持っています。
このページには、それらのサウンド バイトがいくつかあります。
2009年のモントリオールギターショーで2本発表。それらはすべて一度に販売され、最近の Guitare-Fruit Wurcerを除いて、二度と作られることはありませんでした。

Guitare - Fruit no. 1

ギターレ - フルーツ 5

More precisely worked through this series are:
The neck through which is hollow, letting the sound pass towards the head (as in the indian sitar).
The sequential ladder bracing, different for each
The glued-on wooden pick guard which is voiced as part of the soundboard.
The assembly-type design of the headstock which has been used many times in my work (and elsewhere) since.

Guitare - Fruit no. 3 built for Rolf Klausener (The Acorn).

ギターレ - フルーツ 3
Detail of the body profile showing the armrest made of the same material as that of the soundboard:
This component detail led me later (2011) to create Oudtar's slanted cutaway according to the same principle, here bending the red spruce to create the visual extension of its soundboard.

Guitare - Fruit no. 3
"Thanks for sending this link, and thank you again for the wonderful work on the Gourdguitar. It's soooooo wonderful.
I'm attaching a song from our upcoming album that was written and performed on the gourd.
it's a really simple song, but i think the gourd sounds fantastic in this song."
Okay, I must run, but i'll talk to you soon. Keep sending any ideas whenever you have them!
Infinite thanks again!