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Oud Masmoudi
Traditional 7 string Oud (Arabic lute) with slanted cutaway, European flamed maple, Adirondack red spruce and Ebony.
The oud is effectively, the predecessor of the guitar instrument, and also of all the quartet instruments.
For a guitar maker, it is good practice to connect with the origins of your profession from time to time, and this century-old oud is the instrument that directly led me to create the bowl-back steel string guitar Oudtar (shown below) in 2011.

Photo : Anne-Marie Amyot

Sycomore (aka European Maple) and ebony are used in tandem for this instrument.
The neck is made of a Sitka spruce core, capped with ebony and Sycomore, making a strong engineered structure.

Mohamed Masmoudi in concert at Place des Arts,

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